Saturday, January 18, 2020


As a dancer, you’ll need to easily see your form, especially since your instructor won’t be present to correct you. When you’re able to glance in a mirror as you’re dancing, you might notice that your leg isn’t completely straight or that the position of one of your arms is slightly off. This important feedback can significantly help you improve your dance technique. A home dance studio should be your place to both exercise and express yourself. As a dancer, I love having a dedicated clutter-free room to put my music on, move, stretch and sweat. My passion turned into my business when myself and business partner Flik Swan launched our online ballet fitness business,Sleek Technique10 years ago.

Your open studio space can function equally well for cross-training. Resistance bands, gliders, ab wheelsand TRX-type suspension trainerscan come in handy, too. You need enough space so you can move freely and make the most of your practice sessions. So ideally you can find a place in your home where there are no such risks and elements that can distract you. Seek advice from someone who is an experienced dance studio owner or small business owner.

Step 6: Register for Taxes

Compression socks that would provide arch support, ankle stability, energy absorption, and customizable traction, like Apolla Shocks. These are nice because you can move them around, but a bit less secure if you’re just leaning them against your wall. All I did was search “sliding closet mirror,” and found this family that was trying to get rid of them because they were remodeling their house.

how to make your own dance studio at home

Most importantly, regularly take time for yourself to breathe, let go, and appreciate the art of complete freedom of movement. Few things can make you feel more empowered, passionate, and alive as dancing. Use it to choreograph, freestyle, and of course – take classes on STEEZY Studio.

How to build a dance studio at home

You would also enjoy a foam roller, massage stick, and/or massage ballsto release the muscles after intense dance sessions. Otherwise, you’re destined to accidentally kick, trip over or break some standard household object when you’re dancing at home. Everyone knows that passion and a lot of hard work are the prerequisites for becoming an accomplished dancer. But apart from that, there are other aspects that can help you nurture your talent and achieve your goals, while also making the journey smoother. The equipment you use and the practice space also play a major role in your dance life.

how to make your own dance studio at home

If you’re not lucky enough to have a room flooded by natural light, choose the suitable lighting fixtures to brighten up your studio. Apart from that, you can also add posters and other decorative items to set the mood and give you the energy you need. To start a dance studio, you'll need to rent a large enough space to run your studio out of, preferably in a busy area where you'll attract a lot of customers. You should also decide what your niche is going to be, like couples dance lessons, children's classes, or maybe a specific dance style. If some renovations are required in the space before you can open your doors for business, then enlist help from family and friends to get those renovations done.

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The two most popular types of flooring for dance are marley and hardwood. Marley is popular for dance styles such as ballet, jazz and contemporary, and is made of a thin vinyl material that can be rolled out over another surface. At home, marley can be installed over existing flooring, which is a great alternative to a more involved renovation project. Be sure to do your research and install the proper subflooring between your existing flooring and your marley mat. Marley provides the surface to dance on, but is too thin to provide the necessary support on its own.

A composer or license holder must grant permission before a business can perform a song. It’s your space, your music when you’re at home in your dance studio. You don’t need to pop in wireless earbuds, like you would at a communal gym space. Gone is the heyday of boomboxesthat blasted cassette tapes and CDs.Unless you’re feeling nostalgic, you can use a small portable speakerto amplify songs from your phone.

Home dance studios shouldn’t be built in areas with concrete floors like garages or basements since these hard surfaces can cause joint pain. However, if wooden floors aren’t an option for you, you can create your dance room in a space with concrete floors, as long as you install a padded wooden floor on top. Waltz your way into group dance lessons with TakeLessons Live!

how to make your own dance studio at home

Ballroom dancing, ballet, salsa, hip hop, jazz – the possibilities for a dance studio are endless. And the US dance studio industry is worth nearly $4 billion and growing, so whichever style you choose you have a good shot at grabbing a share of that vast market. In order to be regarded as a reputable dance studio, it is critical that the dance floor is of the highest quality. If a dancer is dancing on concrete, they can experience shock to their ankles and knees, which can cause injuries. On a good dance floor, a “sprung” mat – with cushion at the bottom and a special vinyl mat known as “marley” at the top – should be provided.

Collect your dance equipment for home here.

Other alternatives include purchasing a tap dance pad to protect your new dance floor – and purchasing an inflatable tumble trackor acropad to safely practice acrobatic dance tricks. Once you’ve found the ideal space for your project, and you’ve made sure it’s clean and clear, it’s time to make it look like a real dance studio and not just a random empty space. No dance studio can be complete without at least one large enough mirror so you can watch your movements while you practice. Basements are perfect for setting up dance studios as they check all the boxes listed above, provided that they’re clutter-free. Anyone can break out into spontaneous dancing, but a proper dance studio requires special equipment.

how to make your own dance studio at home

Laminate tiles are the preferred choice for home dance studios, and are an affordable option for those looking to kit out their new room quickly and within a tight budget. Do be aware that laminate flooring can be quite slippery when first installed, so exercise caution when enjoying those inaugural practices on your new flooring. Your business location is important because it can affect taxes, legal requirements, and revenue.

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Remember, the prices you use at launch should be subject to change if warranted by the market. Tape should be applied to all seams and circumference of the floor. Tape comes in two types, vinyl and cloth and in two widths, 1.5 inch or 2 inch. If you are starting with a clean level concrete slab, you will need a vapor barrier, which can be liquid or visquin and water proof tape. If you have VCT tile or glued commercial carpet there is no need for a vapor barrier.

Well, with a bit of sweat and money, you can totally build a dance studio at home! Whether you are a toddler or a full-grown adult, lessons are tailored for your age, skill, and ability. First, learn the basic dances such as the waltz and swing dancing to more complex movements. The advanced course is not only a challenge but also its overcoming.You have to be a skilled swing dancer to join the course.

Make sure the pole is tightened securely and check it regularly to ensure that it is still secure. Most of the modern dance poles are held in place using pressure and do not require drilling or anchoring into the ceiling. Make sure the ceiling is strong enough to support the weight of the pole and any individuals using it. Join the Gay Wightman School of Ballet family and experience the magic of dance.

how to make your own dance studio at home

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